Perinatal aspects are at the intrauterine infection


  • Andrey Prishchepa Kiev clinical maternity hospital N 3
  • Orysya Kovalishin Lviv Medical University


intrauterine infection, perinatal aspects


DOI: 10.52705/2788-6190-2024-01-02
UDC 618.3-07-08-06:618.33-022:618.36-008.6

The objective: а decline of frequency of perinatal pathology is at the intrauterine infection of fetus
on the basis of study of features of the functional state of fetoplacental complex, system immunity
and microbiocenosis of sexual ways and intestine, and also development and introduction of
complex of treatment-and-prophylactic measures.
Materials and methods. By us 150 patients were inspected, among what 100 pregnant with
the intrauterine infection, which were up-diffused on such groups: 1 group – 50 pregnant which
got the generally accepted treatment-and-prophylactic measures; 2 group – 50 pregnant which
got the method offered by us. A control group was made 50 pregnant which gave birth for the
first time, without obstetric and somatic pathology, delivered through natural maternity ways.
In the complex of methods of researches were included clinical, instrumental, microbiological,
immunological and statistical.
Results. The use of the treatment-and-prophylactic measures, directed on the correction of
hormone-synthesizing function of placenta, state of system and local immunity improvement of
uteroplacental circulation of blood for pregnant at the intrauterine infection, offered by us was
instrumental in activating of structural mechanisms of adaptation of placenta, to the maintainance
of morphometric and diffusive indexes of villiferous tree at the level of proof indemnification which
is a major adaptive mean for support of viability of fetus and prevention of his infection. It allowed
to reduce frequency caesar section at 2,3 time, premature break of fetus shells at 3,6 time,
placenta disfunction at 1,9 time, delays of growth of fetus at 1,7 time, fetal distress in 4,5 times,
realization of the intraamnial infection at 3,7 time.
Conclusions. The results of the conducted researches testify to the necessity to all pregnant at
the intrauterine infection ultrasonic research it is required to conduct in 24-26 week to pregnancy
for by determination of localization and thickness of placenta, it echostructure, to the degree of
maturity and Doppler research of the crooked speeds of circulation of blood in uterine arteries
and vessels of umbilical cord, in a venous channel for early diagnostics of placenta disfunction of
infectious genesis.
For the prophylaxis of obstetric and perinatal complications for pregnant it is necessary to use
additionally to the generally accepted recommendations of tivortin, chophytol or essentiale in the
generally accepted dosages by courses for 14–21 days in the followings terms of pregnancy:
18–20; 28–30 and 36–38 weeks pregnancy. With the purpose of control after efficiency of the
conducted treatment-and-prophylactic measures, except for the functional methods of research,
from 22 weeks of pregnancy it is necessary to determine in the whey of blood a level placenta
lactogen, estriol and progesterone, and also and the state of microbiocenosis of sexual ways and
intestine, as markers of efficiency of the conducted therapy.

Author Biographies

Andrey Prishchepa, Kiev clinical maternity hospital N 3

Сandidate of medical sciences, doctor obstetrician-gynecologist,
Kiev clinical maternity hospital N 3. E-mail:

Orysya Kovalishin , Lviv Medical University

MD, associate professor, Lviv Medical
University. E-mail: orusia75@gmail.



How to Cite

Прищепа А, Ковалишин О. Perinatal aspects are at the intrauterine infection. par [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 10 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];4(1):9-15. Available from: