Hyperplastic processes of endometrium: clinic of different forms early in life


  • Olga Leshchova Dnepr Medical Institute


hyperplastic processes of endometrium, young age, clinic, different forms


DOI: 10.52705/2788-6190-2024-01-08
UDC 618.14-002-007.6-039:611.664

The objective: to set the clinical features of different forms of hyperplastic processes of endometrium
for the women of young age taking into account the role of chronic endometritis.
Materials and methods. It was conducted clinical-and-laboratory inspection 100 patients to
30 years with the uterine bleeding of different character and presence of echographic signs
of pathology of endometrium.
Results. The analysis of the got data testifies that more frequent all gynaecological diseases
met for patients with simple hyperplasia of endometrium without atypia in combination
with chronic endometritis and women with chronic endometritis and reactive hyperplasia is
of high quality pathology of servix (80,0% and 75,0% respectively), violation of menstrual
cycle (90,0% and 75,0%), urogenital infection (85,0% and 95,0%). In addition, in these
groups of supervisions the most of cases is marked verified earlier chronic endometritis –
10,0% and 20,0%.
Conclusions. For the patients of young age with combination of hyperplasia of endometrium and
chronic endometritis and with reactive hyperplasia, as compared to hyperplasia without atypia
and with atypia, more early beginning and expressed of clinical symptoms of disease, duration
of which exceeds 2 years, is marked. For women from an outage and difficult typical and atypia
hyperplasia connection between the morphological variant of pathological process and pathognomonic
clinical no symptoms.
In the structure of concomitant diseases for patients the inflammatory processes of organs of
small pelvis prevail (as compared to hyperplasia without atypia and with atypia) with the presence
of chronic endometritis, the of high quality diseases of servix, hyperplastic processes of
endometrium which testifies to the expressed system character of pathology. The got results must
be taken into account at development of algorithm of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic
measures for women with the hyperplastic processes of endometrium, including, and on a background
chronic endometritis.

Author Biography

Olga Leshchova , Dnepr Medical Institute

Ph.D., assistant of department of clinical disciplines of the Dnepr Medical Institute. E-mail: doctorolga11@gmail.com



How to Cite

Лещова О. Hyperplastic processes of endometrium: clinic of different forms early in life. par [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 10 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];4(1):51-6. Available from: http://par.org.ua/index.php/par/article/view/168