Characteristics of pregnancy, childbirth and the condition of newborns in pregnant women with an allogeneic fetus


  • Natalia Yesyp Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv


assisted reproductive technologies, allogeneic fetus, surrogacy, obstetric complications, perinatal outcomes, fetoplacental complex


DOI: 10.52705/2788-6190-2024-03.1-01
UDC 618.3/.5-036.1-039:618.33-02:616-053.31

The objective: to determine the characteristics of pregnancy, childbirth and the condition of
newborns in pregnant women with an allogeneic fetus who received pregravid preparation and
pregnancy management according to the newly developed improved algorithm.
Materials and methods. 80 pregnant women examined prospectively were divided into
two groups: Group I (main) - 40 pregnant women who were involved in assisted reproductive
technologies (ART) programs using donor oocytes with the formation of an allogeneic fetus, who
received pregravid preparation and pregnancy management according to the newly developed
improved algorithm, Group II - 40 pregnant women who were involved in ART programs using
donor oocytes with the formation of an allogeneic fetus and whose management is planned to be
carried out according to the generally accepted algorithm.
A comparative clinical and statistical analysis of the characteristics of pregnancy, childbirth and
the status of newborn health in women of both groups was carried out. Statistical processing of
research results was carried out using the standard SPSS Statistics program.
Results. Among the patients of the Group I, the rates of threatened abortion at more than 12
weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound signs of retrochorial/retroamniotic hematoma detected both
before and after 12 weeks of pregnancy were significantly lower in comparison with the Group II.
The levels of gestational anemia, including the moderate anemia, were also significantly lower.
The women of the main group had significantly lower rates of registration of hypertensive disorders
during pregnancy, including mild/moderate preeclampsia, as well as fetal growth restriction. The
proportion of planned caesarean sections was significantly higher in the first group, and fetal
distress was recorded as an indication for the operation significantly less often in the patients of
the Group I in comparison to the Group II.
The mean weight of newborns was significantly higher in patients of the main group compared
to the second group, and the proportion of newborns of Group I with signs of asphyxia and
posthypoxic encephalopathy were significantly lower as compared to the Group II.
Conclusions. The decrease in the rates of obstetric and perinatal complications in pregnant
women with an allogeneic fetus, whose management was carried out according to the newly
developed improved algorithm, indicates the possibility of influencing the key pathophysiological
processes in the abovementioned conditions and the feasibility of the active implementation of
relevant treatment and preventive measures.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The
study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The
informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.

Author Biography

Natalia Yesyp, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv

graduate student, Department of obstetric, gynecology and perinatology,
Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv



How to Cite

Єсип Н. Characteristics of pregnancy, childbirth and the condition of newborns in pregnant women with an allogeneic fetus. par [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 13 [cited 2024 Nov. 11];4(3-1):7-17. Available from: